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About Me & My Training

And soon enough the whisper will become a roar✨✨✨ Just sweep my childhood trauma under the rug and totally forget about it, surely I’ll be able to move on? I tried that. I took suppression to a whole new level. As soon as I learned how to bury my emotional pain, I did just that — I buried it. DEEP inside. So deep that I couldn’t feel it at all. It was like nothing had ever happened. That was my strategy anyway.. Ahh nope.. that’s not how it works, I wasn’t able to outrun my childhood trauma like I thought..

My mind may have tried to totally forget this experience, but the body and spirit remembers. And soon enough the whisper will soon become a roar.

The longer I suppressed my trauma, the more it started to bubble to the surface. It felt like my trapped emotions were simmering away within my nervous system, causing me to feel anxious and making me overthink everything, causing self doubt and low self esteem, making me feel paralyzed to move forward in my life. Feeling stuck and lost, where it felt like a dark cloud was over me, the weight of the world on top of me and hiding behind a mask that was overshadowing me. But then I started to realise my CORE issue, that was stopping me from moving forward.

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Working on my mind helped me, but it wasn’t until I worked on my body and spirit too. The key to fully heal and reconnect to my true self. Fast forward to now, I have healed from my childhood trauma and transformed on such a deep level, healing the mind-body-spirit connection which has brought me back into alignment where I enjoy life with true joy and inner peace. Being able to be fully present in my everyday life and not living in the past or being controlled by it, allows me to create more joyous moments with loved ones, especially my husband and my daughter Zara. My heart beaming like the sun from the warmth of gratitude, feeling content and peaceful within.

My intuition strongly guides me, instead of fears from my trauma misleading me. My mind is an uplifting and inspiring place to be. I can now look back on my trauma and see how it has made me stronger, more compassionate, and more understanding of myself and others. But it hasn’t always been this way.. The longer my trauma was suppressed, the more it started to spill over and affect other areas of my life like relationships, energy levels, sleep and my self esteem.

I then decided to go to a psychologist in my early twenties, but I felt more like another number. It wasn’t until I started working on myself holistically with daily Meditation, Yoga and Energy Healing, These were the stepping stones that truly transitioned me to deeply healing and self discovery.

Body Mind Sprit

Not only did it help shed emotional blocks from my trauma, the dark cloud started to clear and my authentic self started to shine through. I loved Energy Healing so much I became a Reiki Master, thirsty for more, I learnt many more healing modalities along the way like Seichim, Pellowah and Native American healing techniques. The more I healed my spirit and worked on my chakras, that were dramatically affected from my trauma the more empowered I’d become. Then I was drawn to becoming a Holistic Counsellor and Health Coach which created so many more incredible positive shifts.

Healing my Mind- Body-Spirit and realising this was the key to deeply healing and bringing me back into alignment. I had transformed, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically, I was feeling like a whole new person. Thanks to my entire journey, I’m today able to help others transform their wounds into wisdom and healings, going through the same path I did, but much quicker and becoming the best version of themselves. Today, at 40 years old, I have realised on my journey how many people have been secretly struggling with their childhood trauma, feeling ashamed to fully open up or completely heal from it. Or they have been to a psychologist, like I did, but didn’t receive the healing they hoped for. And many don’t realise they experienced past trauma until I help them connect the dots. That’s why I created my trauma healing program, “The Resurrection Healing Code,” which incorporates the best parts of my own healing journey.

It focuses on the mind-body-spirit connection, bringing individuals back into alignment to heal from childhood trauma, shedding and releasing the old, and stepping into their new, improved selves. They can feel worthy and empowered, experiencing inner peace and true joy. Now, I offer Energy Healings, Holistic Counselling, Health Coaching plus various options for Holistic trauma programs and group coaching. It brings a tear to my eye to see how many people have deeply transformed. I turned my pain into purpose and am motivated to heal the world, one person at a time. If I hadn’t embarked on this healing journey, I would be on a completely different path right now. That’s why I’m passionate about guiding others along this transformative path.

Holistic Counsellor | Holistic Trauma Healer | Complementary Therapist | Energy Healer | Reiki Master | Seichim Master | Pellowah Master | Health Coach

I graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition where I learned innovative coaching methods, practical lifestyle management techniques, and over 100 dietary theories – Ayurveda, gluten-free, Paleo, raw, vegan, macrobiotics, and everything in between.


I studied with the world’s top health and wellness experts including:

  • Joshua Rosenthal, founder of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition
  • Walter Willett, MD, DrPH, chair of nutrition at Harvard University
  • Andrew Weil, MD, director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine
  • Gabrielle Bernstein, bestselling author and life coach
  • Susan Blum, MD, MPH, assistant clinical professor at Mount Sinai School of Medicine
  • Mark Hyman, MD, founder of The UltraWellness Center
  • Geneen Roth, bestselling author and expert on emotional eating
  • David Wolfe, raw food leader and nutrition expert
  • Marion Nestle, PhD, MPH, professor at New York University’s Department of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health
  • Mark Bittman, food writer for The New York Times and bestselling author
  • Joel Fuhrman, MD, family physician and leading expert on nutritional healing

My education has equipped me with extensive, cutting-edge knowledge in holistic nutrition, health coaching, and prevention. Drawing on my expertise, I work with my clients to help make lifestyle changes and choose health-promoting ways that produce real and lasting results. You will develop a deeper understanding of food and lifestyle choices that work best for you, improving your energy, balance, health, and happiness. Each session will leave you feeling inspired and motivated. We will talk about things beyond food, seeking to bring balance to important elements of your life such as love and relationships as well as career and money.

I will personally and carefully guide you to make simple, small changes that transform your life. In addition to my expertise in holistic nutrition and health coaching, I am a qualified Holistic Counsellor and Complementary Therapist, who graduated from the Natural Energies College.

Holistic Counselling is a profoundly unique approach that places a strong emphasis on treating the individual as a complete entity, addressing not only their mental and emotional well-being but also their physical health and spiritual harmony. This all-encompassing approach considers the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit, recognizing that true healing involves nurturing each of these essential aspects. As a Holistic Counsellor, I draw upon this comprehensive understanding to offer my clients a holistic perspective on their well-being and support them in achieving a profound sense of balance and wholeness.

As an Energy Healer, I bring a unique set of skills to my practice. I utilize diverse healing modalities, including Reiki, Seichim, Pellowah, and Native American Healings, to facilitate the healing process for my clients. These modalities are deeply transformative and aim to clear blockages, release negative energies, and raise one’s vibrational frequency, ultimately leading to a more vibrant, fulfilling life. My passion lies in helping individuals connect with their inner selves, harness their innate potential, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth. I am committed to supporting my clients in their pursuit of holistic well-being, empowering them to live a life of greater vitality and purpose.
