“The Resurrection Healing Method”
A 3 Month Healing Program

Heal From Your Past to transform the present for a brighter future

The 5 step program to a new you  and heal from your unresolved trauma

Book your discovery call to find out more (041) 459-1443

This program has been created as a response that many people are struggling in their everyday life with unresolved trauma and it’s having a ripple effect on the individual, their family or society. Many are unaware how much their past trauma, especially from childhood is leaking into their adult life and shaping the way they think, feel and act.

The longer trauma is suppressed, the more it can spill over and affect other areas like relationships, work, energy levels, mood, health, sleep, self esteem just to name a few. During this 5 step program you will learn that healing is your journey to self discovery, This program is unique as it doesn’t just focus on one area of healing but highlights the mind-body-spirit connection and how the core issue of childhood trauma affects all these areas and what you need to do to heal these areas to bring yourself back into alignment.

The effects of trauma do not have to last a lifetime, you can overcome it and allow your true self to shine. With your commitment and genuine desire for change, your recovery and self-empowerment is only 5 steps away.

Past Future
Strees Management


When we experience Childhood trauma, it can leave us with a bunch of negative limiting beliefs about ourselves and the world around us, affecting our confidence, self worth, trust, self esteem and capabilities. This holds us back and limits us, driving every decision we make unless we take the time to look at our core beliefs. In this first step, you will learn how to overcome your own limiting patterns at a subconscious level using different tools.

You will come to realise these beliefs were assumptions, never facts and they will stop controlling your life, making it easier for you to move forward in your life.. As children we don’t have the ability to filter out what’s coming in and are easily programmed by the people around us and our environment. We will dive deep into what fears are holding you back and how to conquer them. After learning different techniques to reprogram new beliefs and releasing your fears, You will create a positive vision for your ideal self and set intentions, creating a positive action road map for yourself.

You will discover how unprocessed pain from childhood trauma manifests as the “shadow” the suppressed energy that becomes stuck, understanding how effective shadow work can be in creating a deeper connection to yourself and your soul, to be a more complete version of yourself, helping you feel lighter, free of distress and more joyful These are the important stages to do in the first phase as we want your foundation to be built on bricks not sand.

After Healing


Stepping into your power, allowing your true self to SHINE!

Now that you have released your past conditioning, You will do an energetic detox from past traumas and experiences which is needed to help you propel forward, cutting ties with your past. You will learn different techniques to create your own powerful daily ritual that will help you feel positive, energised and aligned. Understand the importance of how shifting any resistance in your life to acceptance has profound healing on your mind, body, heart and spirit and how it will positively influence all areas of your life.

How past trauma can lower your vibration and learn the tools to implement raising your vibration to attract amazing things into your life. Then you will embark on your journey to self love, showing you how to find it and how to have a better relationship with yourself to release self doubt, build self compassion and embrace who you are.


The revival of you – bring you back to life.

In this third phase you will come to realise that self -awareness is key in your healing journey and learn how to become more in tune with yourself. When we understand, we are more motivated to change. You will discover the mind-body-spirit connection and how it’s affected by trauma and why working on these areas is the key for deep healing and long lasting transformation. You will learn about the neuroscience behind brain plasticity and how trauma can affect brain development and the techniques to restore and rewire your brain.

You will explore how trauma causes dissociation and disconnection to your body and learn different mindfulness techniques to heal within – feeling more grounded and centred in your body and more present in your everyday life. You will learn about the gut-brain connection and how much stress can affect your gut health which can influence your serotonin and energy levels plus learning about the nervous system and having tools to self heal and self sooth. Leticia will also be giving powerful energy healings to create positive shifts to heal and balance your chakras to align to your true

Women Doing Yoga


Unblock what’s holding you back.

The fourth phase you will learn how to release emotions stored in your mind and body, identify your triggers, how they were formed and learning healthy coping strategies and becoming aware of emotions that can be stored within the body that holds us back and keep us stuck living in the past, feeling drained, fatigued, overthinking, sleep issues and anxiety. You will understand the benefits for letting go of things we cannot change and exploring forgiveness.

Becoming more aware of how much past experiences can have such a hold over our present state and cause heaviness within our body. We will explore inner child therapy which will help heal any crisis or dysfunction in your present life that’s ultimately stemming from a past childhood wound, using techniques to release what’s no longer needed. Once this realisation is brought forward, the positive shifts occur. This is the deep healing that creates lasting change.


After deep healing, it’s time for new horizons!

With deep healing and the new techniques you have developed and tools you have gained during this program, you will now be able to start to trust yourself and will now be able to focus more on healthy growth.

Your beliefs, emotions and behaviours that stem from past trauma, have shifted, You will discover how to stop running on autopilot and allowing the world around you control your thoughts and actions and instead, learn how to achieve your dreams and desires through a powerful mindset and becoming more aware how much our thoughts can create your reality, You will develop techniques to manifest your dream life and what is possible for you.

We will set a road map for your goals and what action steps to get there and achieve them. You will be getting out of bed every morning and being excited about life, excited for your future and not being stuck in the past. You can now look back at the person you were when you first started this program and notice the big shift that has occurred within and feel grateful how far you have come.

If you have experienced childhood trauma and you would like to know more about this life changing program. Book your discovery call TODAY (041) 459-1443