What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

Reiki is a holistic therapy that can be used alongside traditional medical treatments to enhance their effectiveness and promote faster recovery. Reiki helps to remove energy blockages, improve circulation, and reduce pain. It is also known for its calming effects, often used to alleviate anxiety and improve mental clarity.

A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Many have reported miraculous results.

Reiki Treatment

Holistic Counsellor | Energy Healer |
Health Coach | Holistic Trauma Specialist

We offer Holistic therapies that support your mind, body, and spirit, helping you restore balance and achieve overall well-being. Our goal is to create a compassionate and supportive environment where you can heal, grow, and thrive.

Healing With Stones
Holistic Counselling

Experience profound emotional healing with our holistic counselling in Werribee. Leticia’s personalised approach integrates mind, body, and spirit to guide you towards balance and self-awareness in a transformative environment.

Energy Healing
Energy Healing

Unlock your body’s natural healing potential with our energy healing services. Using techniques like Reiki and Seichim, Leticia balances your energy fields to restore harmony and enhance overall well-being. So, contact us today to rejuvenate your life!

Holistic Trauma Coaching
Holistic Trauma Coaching

Transform your life with holistic trauma coaching. Combining counselling, energy healing, and personalised strategies, Leticia supports you in overcoming trauma, fostering personal growth, and achieving lasting emotional and mental well-being.

Health Coaching
Integrative Health Coaching

Achieve your wellness goals with integrative health coaching. Leticia offers tailored nutrition and lifestyle plans, addressing all aspects of your health to create a balanced, sustainable approach to overall vitality and well-being.

Neuro Change Method
Neuro Change Method

Rewire your brain for success with the Neuro Change Method. Leticia helps you create new neural pathways to transform limiting beliefs and align with your true purpose for lasting personal and professional growth.


Experience the calming energy of Reiki with Leticia. This Japanese healing technique channels universal energy to remove blockages, reduce stress, and promote deep relaxation, enhancing your overall sense of well-being.


Discover the transformative power of Seichim healing. Leticia’s practice, rooted in ancient Egyptian traditions, works with high-vibration energy to support emotional, physical, and spiritual balance for profound personal growth.

House Cleansing
House Cleansing

Revitalise your living space with our house cleansing services. Leticia clears stagnant or negative energies using a blend of techniques to create a harmonious and positive environment for you and your family.


Expand your consciousness with Pellowah healing. Leticia’s high-vibration method enhances mental clarity and personal empowerment, facilitating deep emotional healing and helping you navigate life’s challenges with greater ease.

Crystal and Colour Therapy
Crystal and Colour Therapy

Balance your energy with crystal and colour therapy. Leticia uses the healing properties of crystals and colours to address imbalances, promote emotional harmony, and support your overall well-being in a rejuvenating way.

Distant Healing
Distant Healing

Experience transformative healing from anywhere with our distant healing services. Leticia uses Reiki, Seichim, and Pellowah to bring balance and restoration to your life, regardless of physical location, for profound wellness benefits.

What’s a Healing crisis? Are you experiencing one after a healing session?

“Energetic Purging”

After a healing session sometimes you may feel temporarily worse, before feeling better. Your body constantly seeks equilibrium, or stasis, at both the cellular and energetic levels. Even when certain parts of your body or energy system are unhealthy, your body will work to maintain a sense of balance. The goal of healing work, is to release stagnant and stuck energy that is holding you back and replace it with fresh, cleansed energy. This process disrupts the balance that your body has worked hard to establish and maintain, which can lead to feeling worse before you feel better.

But why would you feel worse during this process?

The answer lies in the fact that energy gets stuck for a reason. It can be due to your reluctance or inability to face difficult emotions or experiences, or it might result from trauma, crises, numbness, or denial. Some part of you, whether it’s your ego, body wisdom, or spirit wisdom, is trying to protect you from the discomfort of addressing these issues. As a result, thoughts and emotions get pushed down into your energetic system, leading to physical manifestations like pain and disease.

Healing work is often about releasing these patterns of stuck energy that no longer serve you.

People turn to healing work when they feel that something in their lives is “off” or not quite right. The goal is generally to feel better, but to get there, you must release what no longer serves you.

This process, often referred to as the “Healing Crisis,” can be physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually challenging.

When you release toxins and toxic energy, your body and mind need to cope with a sudden and powerful shift in your equilibrium. This shift can be uncomfortable and can result in symptoms like fatigue, muscle aches, nausea, diarrhea, or emotional purges.

It’s essential to understand that the discomfort during the Healing Crisis is a sign that things are moving as they should.

The “gunk” you’re releasing consists of pent-up emotions, unhealed trauma, unexpressed feelings, and more. Your previous stasis point was based on all these suppressed emotions, which made it essentially unhealthy. Feeling “off” was your body’s way of signaling that something needed to change.

The adjustment process can manifest in various ways

From emotional outbursts to physical symptoms. To help your three bodies (physical, energetic, and spiritual) cope with this transition, consider the following steps:

  • *Drink extra water for a few days to help your body flush out toxins and support circulation.
  • *Meditate before bedtime to create a sense of calm and space in your busy mind.
  • *Get extra rest by going to bed a bit earlier or allowing yourself to sleep in.
  • *Spend time journaling to process your feelings and needs effectively.
  • *Focus on a balanced diet and reduce indulgences.


The Healing Crisis is a crucial step in your healing process.

Signifying that you’re moving towards a healthier and more balanced state. So, embrace the discomfort as a sign of positive change and transformation in your life.

Sending you love, light, and endless possibilities!